New Energy Vehicle Industry in the "Two Sessions" in 2023

2023/03/20 09:54

The two sessions of 2023 are coming as scheduled, and proposals related to new energy vehicles and power batteries as new industries have attracted much attention.

Since the beginning of this year, new energy vehicle market sales have gradually moved from depression to recovery. According to the data, the domestic retail sales of new energy vehicles in January completed 333,000 units, down 6.1% year-on-year, 48.1% YoY, with a penetration rate of 25.7%. February new energy vehicle market gradually warmed up, retail sales are expected to 400,000 units, up 46.6% year-on-year, 20.3% YoY, with a penetration rate of 29.6%. In the market view of new energy vehicle production and sales, raw material prices are rapidly returning to the rational range. Power battery companies are also reducing costs through diversified means to promote the sustainable and healthy development of new energy vehicles.

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Li Shufu: Improve carbon emission management mechanism

Li Shufu, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Geely Holding Group, suggested expanding the coverage of participating enterprises in the national carbon market. Improve relevant policies and orderly incorporate all key carbon emission industries into the national carbon market in batches. Steadily promote the inclusion of non-key carbon emitting industries into the carbon market.

At the same time, carbon labeling and carbon inclusion system should be popularized to promote the whole society to consciously practice "double carbon" responsibility. Establish a nationwide unified product carbon footprint accounting rules and carbon label certification system to encourage businesses and individuals to purchase products with carbon labels; fully popularize the carbon inclusion system, encourage innovation and entrepreneurship based on carbon emission reduction lifestyle, and at the same time guide low-carbon consumption to form a good social atmosphere of carbon reduction for all.

Zhu Huarong: Speed up the detection and development of domestic high-quality lithium resources

In his proposal, Zhu Huarong, a deputy to the National People's Congress and party secretary and chairman of Changan Automobile, suggested the procurement of Chinese brand new energy vehicles for official use, and update the standards for the provision of new energy vehicles for official use, and use the size and price ceiling to separate the vehicle classes.

At the same time, the introduction of relevant policies to encourage enterprises with technical strength and financial strength to accelerate the detection and development of domestic high-quality lithium resources. Foreign aspects, encourage and guide domestic mineral resources enterprises, vehicle enterprises and battery core enterprises and other market players, through a variety of ways to overseas lithium mines and other mineral resources strategic layout and development. It is also recommended that the vehicle purchase tax and automobile consumption tax be merged to retain a tax and increase the proportion of local financial retention.

Feng Xingya: Accelerate the promotion of new energy vehicle power exchange mode

Feng Xingya, general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group and a deputy to the National People's Congress, suggested that he would make suggestions on accelerating the promotion of the new energy vehicle power exchange model and accelerating the transformation of the automobile industry. Feng Xingya suggested to accelerate the overall layout of the promotion of the national electricity exchange mode, study and introduce various kinds of support policies for the support of the electricity exchange mode, as well as support, encourage and reward automobile enterprises to launch electricity exchange models, increase the policy of vehicle-electricity separation, after the abolition of the new energy vehicle purchase tax exemption policy, for the battery part of the purchase tax exemption for electricity exchange models.

He Xiaopeng: speed up the application of automatic driving landing system security

He Xiaopeng, chairman and CEO of the National People's Congress, suggested that in response to the rapid development of China's intelligent networked vehicle industry and the accelerated development of autonomous driving technology and the trend of landing, three suggestions were made: to promote the acceleration of intelligent networked vehicles and autonomous driving-related legislation, to explore the establishment of autonomous driving technology and autonomous driving vehicle insurance product system, and to promote the acceleration of urban high-precision map review process .

Shao Danwei: Strengthen the construction of new energy vehicle charging and switching infrastructure

Shao Danwei, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, founder of Star Charging and chairman of Wan Gang Digital Energy, pointed out that the construction of the corresponding charging network and other supporting facilities is still difficult to meet the rapidly growing demand for new energy vehicles, and the problem of "more cars and fewer piles" is prominent. There are still some problems in the charging facilities platform, technical standards and construction mode.

Shao Danwei suggested strengthening the interconnection of charging facilities service platforms; promoting scientific and efficient charging and switching modes; and promoting the synergistic development of new energy vehicles and power grids.

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